Get Well-being hacks through my videos which are lucid and to the point. The audio visual narrative experience helps to ease the consumption of scientific theories into implementable strategies.
The Author Who Went Naked - Automate Your Habits With A Commitment Device - Roshan Shetty
Will You Perish Or Transform - Organizational Development -The Shift Left Experience - Roshan Shetty
Stop asking for more time - The Shift Left Experience
Guilt vs. Shame: The Secret to Changing for the Better
Masterclass on Perception - The Shift Left Experience
Overcome the resistance to get better
Tips for successful Project Management
Refresh history with the remains of the Berlin Wall
Where are you with your goals? - Roshan Shetty
Why must you always be a 'Work in Progress'? - Roshan Shetty
Why hiring policies in Corporate matters? - Roshan Shetty - The Shift Left Experience.
Slowing Down for Mental Well-being: Habits to Combat Stress and Burnout in a Fast-Paced World
How to present or business idea that generates interest and trust - Roshan Shetty
Which Leader Do You Follow? - Leadership Styles - Roshan Shetty
Why should humans cooperate? - Roshan Shetty - The Shift Left Experience
Things to do after ChatGPT!
How to progress with failed ideas? - Roshan Shetty - The Shift Left Experience
How to be a better leader - Roshan Shetty
Why we behave differently with different groups of people - Roshan Shetty
Top five books for 2022 - Roshan Shetty - The Shift Left Experience
Is This Your Reality? - The Shift Left Experience - Roshan Shetty
Powerful people can alter their beliefs.
Have you experienced the 'New Project Orgasm'?
In the experiences of life, what have you become?
Evolution of Human - The Shift Left Experience - Roshan Shetty
Leadership lessons from Silicon Valley - The Shift Left Experience.
Whom should you follow for growth? - The Shift Left Experience.
Numerology or Neurology, what do you believe can change your Habits?
Why do we need Wellness? The Shift Left Experience - Roshan Shetty.
Common mistakes we make while creating good habits.
How are you? An idea to overcome entitlement through - The Goodness Scale of Life.
The Chicken, the Caretaker, and Corporate risks.
he Shift Left Experience by Roshan Shetty
Impact Of Social Media On Your Personal Life
Your Social Circle through Dunbar's Number
Roshan's recommended reads of 2021
Paying (for your) attention
Cult Curator
Your 'Self-Care' guide. Connect to Transform
Attaining your 'Flow'
Breaking Bad Habits and creating your Commitment Device
How you can cope with rising uncertainty by resolving the issues you encounter
Are you in charge?
Ten Life Lessons from Shift Left for a Purposeful and Happy 2021
Shift Left - Seeding the Counter Culture
Shift Left - Book Launch at the BhaktiVedanta Hospital